How to install SecurePose (new versions, >= v2.0.0)
GPU version
Youtube video:
The current version of SecurePose only supports Windows. However, after modifying the code, it can be used on other platforms.
SecurePose can be used without creating a virtual environment, however, the recommended and easiest way is described below.
We recommend that most users use our supplied Conda environment requirement file.
Step 0: Check the hardware and software requirements.
It is recommended to have a system with Nvidia GPU with at least 8GB RAM. The software is not optimized or tested for a non-GPU system.
Upgrade your Nvidia drivers to the latest version (in the Nvidia "GeForce Experience" software or its website).
Install game-ready drivers or studio drivers.
Step 1: Install Anaconda
Download anaconda from .
Follow standard installation.
Step 2: Download the latest version of SecurePose
Download the latest version from here .
Register for the mailing list to get updates about the changes.
Extract the "zip" file.
The folder "SecurePose" is for GPU version and "SecurePoseCPU" is for CPU version. You may delete "SecurePoseCPU" folder if you do not want to use CPU version of the software.
Step 3: Build a virtual environment using our Conda file.
Method 1: (Recommended)
Locate the "install.bat" file in the "SecurePose" folder (Note: the SecurePose folder is referred to as "the main software folder" throughout the documentation).
Open "install.bat"
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).
The auto-installation process can take 10-20 minutes.
Press any keyboard button, after the installation is complete.
Method 2:
Locate the "requirements_build.yml" file in the "SecurePose" folder (Note: the SecurePose folder is referred to as "the main software folder" throughout the documentation).
Open "Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)" as administrator:
Type "Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)" in the widows' start menu and right-click on it.
Then select "run as administrator".
Change the working directory of Anaconda command prompt to the main software folder.
write "cd [address_of_the_main_software_folder]" example "cd C:\Users\temp\Desktop\SecurePose\SecurePose".
Note: if your main software folder is not is "C" drive, you will have to write "cd [your_drive's_name]:". Example: is the location of the main folder is "D:\blurring\SecurePose\SecurePose" write "cd D:" then "cd D:\blurring\SecurePose\SecurePose" .
Create the environment.
Write "conda env create -f requirements_build.yml".
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).
CPU version
Youtube video:
The current version of SecurePose only supports Windows. However, after modifying the code, it can be used on other platforms.
SecurePose can be used without creating a virtual environment, however, the recommended and easiest way is described below.
We recommend that most users use our supplied Conda environment requirement file.
Step 0: Check the hardware and software requirements.
It is recommended to have a system with at least 8 CPU cores and 8 GB of RAM. The CPU version is 50-100 times slower than the GPU version.
Step 1: Install Anaconda
Download anaconda from .
Follow standard installation.
Step 2: Download the latest version of SecurePose
Download the latest version from here .
Register for the mailing list to get updates about the changes.
Extract the "zip" file.
The folder "SecurePose" is for GPU version and "SecurePoseCPU" is for CPU version. You may delete "SecurePose" folder if you do not want to use GPU version of the software.
Step 3: Build a virtual environment using our Conda file.
Method 1: (Recommended)
Locate the "install.bat" file in the "SecurePoseCPU" folder (Note: the SecurePoseCPU folder is referred to as "the main software folder" throughout the documentation).
Open "install.bat"
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).
The auto-installation process can take 5-10 minutes.
Press any keyboard button, after the installation is complete.
Method 2:
Locate the "requirements_build.yml" file in the "SecurePoseCPU" folder (Note: the SecurePoseCPU folder is referred to as "the main software folder" throughout the documentation).
Open "Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)" as administrator:
Type "Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)" in the widows' start menu and right-click on it.
Then select "run as administrator".
Change the working directory of Anaconda command prompt to the main software folder.
write "cd [address_of_the_main_software_folder]" example "cd C:\Users\temp\Desktop\SecurePose\SecurePoseCPU".
Note: if your main software folder is not is "C" drive, you will have to write "cd [your_drive's_name]:". Example: if the location of the main folder is "D:\blurring\SecurePose\SecurePoseCPU" write "cd D:" then "cd D:\blurring\SecurePose\SecurePoseCPU" .
Create the environment.
Write "conda env create -f requirements_build.yml".
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).
Note: if you get windows security warning while installing the software, click on "More info" then "Run anyway".
How to start SecurePose
Step 0: Install SecurePose by following the installation steps.
Method 1: (recommended)
Step 1: Open "SecurePoseStart.bat" file located in the main software folder. (or open its shortcut (refer to the video for instructions))
Step 2: Once jupyter-notebook is opened in the browser, run the code by clicking the run button. The run button is located in the command bar, below the menu bar.
Method 2:
Step 1: Run Anaconda Prompt as administrator.
Step 2: Change the working directory to the main software folder.
Write "cd [address_of_the_main_software_folder]" example "cd C:\Users\temp\Desktop\SoftwareVersions\SecurePose".
Note: if your main software folder is not is "C" drive, you will have to write "cd [your_drive's_name]:". Example: is the location of the main folder is "D:\blurring\SoftwareVersions\SecurePose" write "cd D:" then "cd D:\blurring\SoftwareVersions\SecurePose" .
Step 3: Activate conda environment.
Write "conda activate SECUREPOSE".
Step 4: Run SecurePose.
Open jupyter-notebook using "jupyter-notebook" command.
Once jupyter-notebook is opened in the browser, run the code by clicking the run button. The run button is located in the command bar, below the menu bar.
How to update SecurePose
Step 1: Saving the projects
Copy "projects" folder located in the main software folder to the desktop.
Step 2: Delete previous version of SecurePose
Delete the main software folder.
Step 3: Download the latest version of SecurePose
Download the latest version from here .
Register for the mailing list to get updates about the changes.
Extract the "zip" file.
Move the folder to the old main software folder location.
Step 4: Restore the old projects information
Move the "projects" folder from desktop to the main software folder.
Step 5: Update the virtual environment using new Conda file.
Method 1: (recommended)
Locate the "update.bat" file in the "SecurePose" folder (Note: the SecurePose folder is referred to as "the main software folder" throughout the documentation).
Open "update.bat"
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).
The auto-installation processor can take 10-20 minutes.
Press any keyboard button, after the installation is complete.
Method 2:
Locate the "requirements_build.yml" file in the "SecurePose" folder.
Open "Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)" as administrator:
Type "Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)" in the widows' start menu and right-click on it.
Then select "run as administrator".
Change the working directory of Anaconda command prompt to the main software folder.
write "cd [address_of_the_main_software_folder]" example "cd C:\Users\temp\Desktop\SoftwareVersions\SecurePose".
Note: if your main software folder is not is "C" drive, you will have to write "cd [your_drive's_name]:". Example: is the location of the main folder is "D:\blurring\SoftwareVersions\SecurePose" write "cd D:" then "cd D:\blurring\SoftwareVersions\SecurePose" .
Option 1: Create the environment.
Write "conda update env -f requirements_build.yml".
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).
Option 2 (if option 1 does not work): Reinstall the environment.
Write "conda remove -n SECUREPOSE --all".
Write "conda env create -f requirements_build.yml".
Be patient and let Conda and Pip install the required packages. (Ensure proper internet connectivity).